In 2009 I was listening to a report on the groups, “Code Pink” and “World Can’t Wait”. They are two anti-war groups that were protesting at the Marine Recruitment Center in Berkeley, California. The manner in which it was being conducted placed a heaviness on my Heart. So, I called the Center and spoke with a Gunnery Sergeant who told me that he had twice served in the War–Desert Storm and Afghanistan. When I asked him if the methods they were using to protest troubled or hurt him, he replied, “Yes.”. I could hear the “crack” in his voice. He was speaking truthfully. We continued to converse and he informed me that, at that time, his brother was stationed at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas which was where I had been stationed while in the Army during the Vietnam Era. Upon hanging up I was inspired to write a prayer I call, “The Universal Prayer of A Peaceful Warrior”. I emailed it to the Sergeant. The very next day I was looking through a stack of papers on my floor for a phone number of a friend. I knew it was located somewhere within the stack. About a “months worth” down in the stack I found a piece of paper that had only four(4) written lines all in the upper left-hand corner. They were: 1) The Peace Sign and the word Prayer 2) The words “Semper Fi” 3) the words, “Be all that you can Be” and 4) Peace 7 + Blend. I have since seen this as “my” calling to help bring forth More Peace. It has been the “Words of Strength” that have encouraged me to continue with this journey, despite the resistance that has come forth. Well, then came “The Declaration of Universal Peace 2”. Since then it has been a journey of self Healing and strong desire to share the inspirations that keep coming forth. I hope you enjoy and find the Heart to consciously support our Collective Desire of Peace, Equal Rights and Justice for all Livingkind.