Thank you for considering to join with Up 2 Peace in Our collective journey of Promoting Universal Peace and Global Unity. We are committed to seeing our Global Family shift from a conflict dominated society to one of more Peaceful expressions and actions. Your generous offerings, of any amount, will assist in this coming forth. “Imagine all the people living life as One…”
Up 2 Peace is a registered 501(c)3 tax-exempt charitable organization. You may use our secure Paypal site (Donate Button) or send check or money order to:
Up 2 Peace
P.O.Box 715
Santa Cruz, California 95061
As the Pie Chart below indicates, Peace has been given a very low priority position of funded projects. Truly, what is of more importance? Let’s do what we can to, “little by little”, change this dilemma. Blessed Love.
Up 2 Peace has many important and vital programs that we will be initiating as time moves forward. We are confident that these projects will help open our Hearts and Minds to a more joyful manner of exchange and interaction in all aspects of life. Change does not necessary happen right away, yet, “The continuity of water will wear away the stone.” Let your Heart soften. Let Peace n One Love flow more readily and abundantly for all to see.
Thank you again for partnering with us. Your support is vital and is most honored and respected. The journey will be awesome! You, as well as many others, will be glad of what you are helping us all achieve.
Let Peace Guide and Protect your every breath.
Peace Up
Perry Spencer,
Founding Director
Up 2 Peace, Inc