Greetings of Peace,
“Peace, universally heralded by the Angels by the birth of our Savior, has become even more necessary to All LivingKind than ever before. The alternatives confronting the Governments of today are no longer peace or war, but peace or the annihilation and complete doom of All LivingKind. Therefore, it has now become the noble opportunity of Christians and peoples of all other faiths and their leaders throughout the world to pray and to work hard for the preservation of Universal Peace.” -– (H.I.M. Emperor Haile Selassie 1st speech on October 13, 1965. The bold italicized words are changes to Emperor Haile Selassie’s original speech.)
The following is an Official Invitation from Up 2 Peace to our entire World Community that on the 22nd day of each month at 2:22pm local time to share 2 minutes and 22 seconds of silence in the Communion of Prayer, Meditation, Visualization, or Contemplation to acknowledge and fortify our Innate Oneness (One Family), beyond the illusion of religious, ethnic, gender, economic, political, or national boundaries to cultivate and share rest in Universal Peace; the Sacred Truth of all LivingKind. You can gather or do so wherever and with whomsoever you choose. If you are late—no worries, just join in. It is not meant to be a rigid task. Let it be comfortable and build on it’s own. Time is not the important aspect. Let it be Fun. Rejoice!
We have shared (within the message below) a small sample format of Prayer you may wish to utilize.
As you read the below message you will most likely recognize I am writing from a view of a Follower of Christ. I have also practiced Yoga for nearly 50 years, began teaching in 1983. I have a deep reverence, respect and honor for all religious perspectives–I seek to keep finding the “Bridges” within them all. This invitation is open to all.
“As long as the name of our Spiritual perspective is of more significance than the Love of God, that is our Heart, there is more room for Peace.” (A modification of a portion of the song, “War”, by Bob Marley; which is an excerpt from a speech given by His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie 1st.)
There will always be room for more Peace to grow, clarify and strengthen.
“Be Fruitful and multiply.”
Please join in and let us joyfully, consciously and collectively cultivate the Peace, Unity, and Justice we all deserve now and forever. A flower will not bloom with only one watering. It does take a village.
I realize that many throughout Our Global Community are frustrated, hurt, and angered by the actions that have been going on in Russia and Ukraine and now war has escalated into the streets of Gaza and Israel. Still spreading. Let’s face it there are dauntlessly too many other wounded souls that are playing a role in the devastation that is escalating within way too many hateful and harmful actions occurring everywhere in our World Community. I hope we can all come to an agreement that: (paraphrasing the words of Rev Martin Luther King, Jr.) “hate will not erase hate, only Love will heal and free us all.”
“Eyes blinded by anger, fear, and hatred (wounds in the Mind and Soul) do not see (are not seeing) the Truth.” — The Neville Brothers
When HIV and Covid-19 broke out in our World Communities much fear and hatred grew Worldwide. With HIV it was strongly focused on those who contracted and helped spread the disease. With Covid-19 it was towards people who were associated with those thought to be the “origin” of the initial outbreak and blame was then spread Worldwide as quickly as the virus. Yet, give thanks, compassion began to grow and so did our collective ability to address the physical, mental, and Spiritual wounds that were set in motion by the viruses, and I will say, fueled by the webs of unforgiveness and hatred–confusion, of lifetimes.
Maybe we can see the actions of Russia’s President Putin, as well as, Hamas, Hezbollah, and Israel as the result of a lifetime(s) of troubled outlook, shared throughout the history of All LivingKind. (“Tell me who is to blame for this child of clay? Shaped and molded into what he is today.” — Barry McGuire “Eve of Destruction”) The result of feeling separate from Love? How would we look at, or treat, a friend with Cancer, Covid-19, or HIV? Any physical disease? Yet, is there really such a thing as just a physical disease? Would you not Pray? I say “Yes I, choose to! I say Prayer is the Breath of God.”
Lucky Dube, considered to have been the African Ambassador of Reggae Music (The roots of Reggae are established in Gospel Music; Worship and Praise of the Almighty.) sang,
“We did not start the wars that we are fighting now.
We did not start the fires that are burning now.
(I add,)
We did not create the confusion that confuses us now and then.
(I see the origin of sin as the mis-belief of being separate from God’s Love.)
Yet, we will, collectively, cultivate the Peace which we all deserve now and forever.”
We have all been caught in the torment of “wars and rumors of wars” sprouting from the anger and hatred of oppression in every evil influence throughout all Time.
“We need Peace and Love in our communities. Not strife not anger nor jealousy. Respecting one another what a sight to see. Let’s live in harmony and enrich all poverty.” Sangi Davis and the Twelve Tribes of Israel Band.
There is no one alive that created the hatred so prevalent in our Global Community; so commonly seen throughout the many Social Media platforms, none of which I am aware of that were created for that reason—although they surely exist. Even many of the Churches are caught in the confusion(blaming and shaming other people and religions) one way or another.
As Fleetwood Mac sang, “The worlds in a tangle.”
So, again, “No.” No one alive is the originator of war (the unforgiven acts of lifetimes). Yet, most assuredly, we can and WILL! collectively cultivate the PEACE we all ARE made of and deserve now and forever! So, I invite all to “Embrace all war in Prayer”, similarly as the Prophet Elisha prayed. (II Kings 6:17);
Father, thank You, I Pray Thee.
Open the eyes
Of our Heart
To Know
And to see,
The Perfect Love you made ALL of
To Be
In Full Joy Harmony.
The Sacred Truth,
That I Am.”
Commonly people will say, “Pray for me.”, or “Pray for them.” or “I will Pray for you.” To me Prayer is Communion with God the Creator of The Universe and all that was, is and ever shall be. Christ Jesus, in one of His last recorded Prayers, Prayed, “Neither I pray for these alone, but for them which shall believe on me through their word; that they all may be one; as thou Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may know that thou hast sent me….that thou Loves them as thou hast Loved Me.” John 17:20, 21. As I read these words from Christ, it is clear He was sharing Prayer with everyone throughout all Time. In this Prayer (Also called “The Prayer of Intersession”) Christ was showing that Prayer is beyond time and for everyone. I see Him as embracing us all as the Father; as One Family. God is always in Prayer. God is Prayer. Loving on us all—always. (Know that God Loves no one more or less than He Loves You!) When I Pray, I do my best to remember to acknowledge we are all in The Embrace of The Prayer of God. Communion. At One Within All LivingKind. Can you Imagine when all receive and share this kind of Love with All? UNITY! Then JUSTICE will reign!— One Love, One God, One World, One Family, many perceptions. PEACE…
“He’s got the whole world in his hands. He’s got the whole wide world in His hands…”
“I am You and You are Me and We are all together.” The Beatles
I see that as the reason it is suggested that if we have “ought” (anger/criticism) with another, or them with us, put down the gift, (Prayer is a Supreme Gift) leave the alter, forgive, reconcile, and return to give your gift. “Ought”, cultivates the illusion of space between God, one another, and Prayer. Like cracks in a vase. Like wearing a wetsuit while taking a bath. And in times as these, after generations and generations of confusion upon confusion; mis-beliefs of separation from God’s Love, I feel it best to do our best to fill in all the gaps and let go of all the imaginary barriers that have been increasingly constricting our Heart over lifetimes from living the Peace we were all created of, to be Free To Cultivate Full Unity of the Heart, Mind and Soul.
“Why are people fighting?
When we could be Loving?
Why are people trying to hurt themself?” —Greg Chansky
So, let’s Embrace each other in the fullness of Love (Equanimity) allowing the Perfect Love that we all truly are to be revealed, cultivated, multiplied, seen, shared, felt, and experienced by all. As it was meant to be from the beginning.
“Come on people now, smile on your Brothers (and Sisters).
Everybody get together, time to Love one another right now.”
Ahimsa is commonly known as, non-violence. Yet, in “Light of Yoga”, by BKS Iyengar, non-violence is referred to as the “negative and restrictive meaning of non-killing or non-violence”. Yet, the positive and comprehensive meaning is “Love embracing all creation.” The “non-violent” approach of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr is rooted in the positive aspect. In the last 40 years of Mahatma Gandhi’s life he read, every day, the Beatitudes (“Love your enemies, do good to them that hate you, bless them that curse you, and pray for them that despite-fully use and persecute you.” Luke 6: 27, 28) as given through Jesus Christ. I am sure that this had a distinctly profound and positive influence on Mahatma Gandhi, Rev King, Jr, and ultimately all of ours, approach to non-violence rooted in the Truth that the Fullness of Ahimsa is Thoughts, Words, and Deeds of LovingKindness for all LivingKind.
(“Always do your best”. (Don Miguel Ruiz—one of “The Four Agreements”)
“As you do unto the least of you. You do unto Me”–Christ Jesus
“We Need Love” –by Sangi Davis and The Twelve Tribes of Israel Band”
There was a doctor who always prescribed Love. A woman once asked him, “What if it doesn’t work?” The Doctor replied, “Up the dose!”
Peace n One Love-
Perry Spencer
Founding Director